For new or already built pools.
Custom aesthetics.
Custom project before study.
The engine roller is submerged bellow a synthetic wooden or Ipe platorm. It can be installed on new pools or already built ones. When the cover is rolled up it is completely hidden under the platorm.
The roller engine is installed a the deepest part of the pool and the cover un rolls from bottom to top it doesn't have any bench or platorm.
The same as FONDO, the roller is installed on the bottom but hidden under a PVC Bench.
Exclusive model for new built pools. The roller engine and cover are hidden in the bottom in the inside of a compartment covered with the same tiles as the rest of the pool. It has two engines one for the grille and the other for the cover.
Highly recommended for infinity pools, the check is hidden behind a wall does not remove space to the pool.
Is housed inside the staircase, not lose space. The cover is hidden under stainless steel beam and pvc plate, which is tiled with the same pool material.
30,000 liters less water evaporation.
65% savings in air conditioning.
50% savings in dehumidification.
20% reduction in the use of chemicals.
30% reduction in cleaning costs.